House rules and ticketing terms

House rules and sanctions FIH Pro League in The Netherlands.



Do not park in places with traffic signs that state ‘verboden te parkeren’ (no parking). The entrance to the venue and the driveways of private homes in the surrounding streets must not be blocked.

Special parking bays are available for people with a handicap. To request a special bay, please e-mail

Bicycles, mopeds

Bicycles and mopeds should be parked in the special parking spaces as indicated. Do not park bicycles or mopeds against trees or hedges.


  • Always follow the instructions of (security) personnel immediately. Aggressive behaviour will result in the person being removed from the club and the police will be informed.
  • You enter the tournament venue at your own risk.
  • The KNHB and FIH cannot be held responsible for the loss of, or damage to, visitors property.

Public order

Please respect public order when entering and leaving the venue. Never block traffic.


The FIH Pro League is open to all ages. However, visitors are required by law in the Netherlands to be able to identify themselves, so you must always carry an ID card, passport or (photo) driving licence. If you do not have ID with you, you can be refused access to the venue.

Photography and video recordings

During this event photo and video recordings will be registered. These photo’s and video’s can be used to promote field hockey as a sport in the Netherlands and throughout the rest of the world. All TV/film/video recordings and photography for any other purpose than use in the private sphere require permission from the organisers.

Food and drinks

No alcohol will be served before 12.00 and will not be served to visitors under the age of 18. Bar staff are allowed by law to require visitors to show ID if they want to buy alcohol. You are not allowed to bring your own alcoholic drinks to the venue.


Please use the bins provided to dispose of waste.


Smoking is not permitted.


The use of drugs is strictly prohibited. All drugs found will be confiscated and  anyone breaking this rule will be handed over to the police.

Do not bring the following items to the venue:

  • Items made of glass
  • Items with discriminatory or offensive texts, weapons of any kind or items that could be used as weapons, items that could be used to damage the health, safety and welfare of other visitors
  • Fireworks and torches, professional audio-visual recording equipment (this does not include compact digital cameras and mobile phones with cameras)
  • Pets, including dogs

Bag checks

Security staff will search bags at the venue entrance. Banned items will be confiscated.


No more than one person at a time may enter a toilet cubicle. People caught urinating in public will be removed from the venue.


Clothing which includes discriminatory, racist and other offensive texts and/or illustrations is banned.


No drones may be flown on or close to the venue. If drones are spotted outside the venue, the police will be informed.

* Please note: The decisions of FIH Pro League staff are final in all cases where these rules do not apply.


Tickets supplied either by Paylogic or the organiser remain the property of the organiser and are issued on the understanding that they will not be resold to third parties, nor otherwise be directly or indirectly provided on a commercial basis to third parties, nor will they be offered to third parties via any form of commercial setting, without prior written permission from the organiser and/or Paylogic.

If these conditions are broken, Paylogic and/or the organiser reserve the right to invalidate the tickets. Holders of these tickets will be denied access to the event, without right of compensation.

The use of a ticket implies that the visitor will respect these conditions and the general terms and conditions set down by Paylogic and the organiser on their websites. In the event of of a difference between the general terms and conditions and the conditions outlined above, the conditions outlined above will take precedence.

In case of a lost or stolen ticket, the owner does not have the right to a replacement. For help, contact the ticket office.


If a match is cancelled, we will inform the buyer of the ticket as soon as possible. The organisation will decide if the ticket of the cancelled match can be exchanged for a ticket for the new date of the match, or for another match. A refund of the ticket costs is not possible.